
Tuesday, 27 October 2015


So as I am starting to write my project/dissertation on body dysmorphia in women in relation to Instagram, I have been challenging a lot of assumptions based on body image and I have been speaking to a lot of my peers in relation to this concept.

It has always played on my mind and I have been a victim of it myself, that there is an assumption that 'skinny' people do not have feelings or do not take offence to being called skinny or for people to comment on their weight. Well, if you are slim and have ever been judged or made to feel insecure or bad about your body, you will know exactly where I am coming from.

On numerous occasions in my life, I have been made to feel dreadful about my body, whereas it is pretty evident that this has been the object of comment of someone jealous or just down right ignorant. It seems that the trends which have followed on social media such as #thinspiration #loveyourbody etc are only for those who carry a bit more weight that everyone else. I am not pointing the finger at anyone nor am I stereotyping that it is only fat people who call down skinny people (although it is in my personal experience.) I am simply stating that I do not think that people who are slim are treated in the same manner than a person who is fat is.

For example, if I were to call someone 'fat' out of the blue or to comment on their weight for no reason at all just to point out the obvious, there would be an up roar and this would be regarded as a terrible and horrible thing to say. Yet daily experiences have highlighted that it is in fact okay for other people to comment on my own weight and friends of mine who are slim, and call them 'skinny.'

This is not acceptable.

I do believe that if a person comments on your weight they are saying this for a reason not just because they have an uncontrollable urge to comment on your appearance. We don't go about stating 'you have eyes' yet people think it is okay to state 'you are skinny' or my personal favourite 'you're a skinny minnie' by laughing or adding 'minnie' into the comment apparently this is now a laughable and lighthearted comment' if I responded with 'well shamu jump back into the ocean and shove your comments up your arse' I don't think the person would still be laughing, do you?



  1. The difference is, most people want to be thinner. They comment on your body out of envy. Whereas fatness is considered a weakness of character, and to comment on a fat person is considered offensive. You are naturally thin and not exempt from body insecurities, but to the outside world, you are what many aspire to. No one aspires to obesity. I am sorry. It is not fair. But in the very most cases, you can take being called a skinny minnie as a compliment.

  2. Lool shutup fool tryin to show off that ur skinny and pretending u get upset when people are actually complimenting u

    think way to mcuh of yourself


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