
Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Are dissertations mentally destroying students?

If you're like me and writing a dissertation as your final year project then the answer to the question posed in the title of this article would be yes, dissertations are mentally destroying students.

What I find most ironic about dissertations is the lack of enthusiasm, creativity and freedom that this large chunk of data presses upon students. We choose a topic that we are passionate about and decide to write thousands of words on it, therefore, after all, we now hate it.

I've also found that by writing a dissertation you can become increasingly isolated from your peers and family. It's hard to find someone who knows exactly how you're feeling or someone who can emphasise with the misery that these mammoth essays present.

I've often found myself dreaming about writing my dissertation (this is how mentally upsetting it can be) therefore I feel like I actually never get away from it.

Additionally, writing a literature review is an impossible task. State the relevant literature on a subject. How hilarious this is, considering all of the people who have written on millions of subjects in the world. Where does it all end?

I'm just posing this questions because as a student I don't feel like I'm getting much out of this, except a headache. I'm that stressed about what I'm writing that I don't have time or energy to learn or engage with what I'm reading. With under two months to go, I must admit that I feel like giving up.
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