
Friday 3 April 2015

The perfect morning

Sometimes you can wake up after a horrendous nights sleep (or lack of sleep) and feel groggy and lethargic and this can put you in a negative mood before the day has even started. This should not be the case. Every morning should be a blessing to each and everyone of us. We should wake up and feel excited to kick start the day and see what the world has in store for us. Today I offer to you the perfect morning routine to banish those moody mondays and to put a spring in your step the second you get out of bed.

1. Set yourself goals for the day
I recommend you leave a notepad and pen beside your bed and every morning before you get out of your bed and you plan your goals or what you have insight for you that day. This will help you plan your day, keep you on task and keep you motivated. It generally gives you a purpose to get out of bed and to go take on the day.

2. Do morning stretches
Exercise is a great way to relieve any tension from your sleep and to really get your body to wake up. Indulge in a yoga mat if you're not feeling super energetic in the morning and try some yoga before you endure on a stressful day, believe me you will feel the benefit!

3. Drink lemon water
I cannot stress enough the power of lemon water. It is by far the healthiest drink on the planet, besides water. There are endless benefits of drinking lemon water, to name a few, it strengthens your immune system, it enhances your mood, it maintains a pH balance and its even good for your oral health. I suggest drinking hot lemon water before eating in the morning as it cleanses your insides before you start consuming.

4. Have a healthy breakfast
Its true what they say, if you don't start your day with a healthy breakfast you will no doubt notice your lack of energy and motivation. Food makes you feel good, especially when it is good food. So indulge in healthy breakfasts like granola with yoghurt and berries with some coconut milk I swear you won't look back. Or if you really don't like eating in the morning make yourself a smoothie with fresh fruit, it will be sure to lift your mood.

5. Listen to feel good music
Starting your day with a feel good playlist will definitely enhance your mood. You can listen to some of the best morning playlists from Spotify and there are many to choose from.

6. Pick an outfit that makes you feel good
By choosing clothes that make us look more attractive it is known to enhance our mood significantly. The more confident we feel is reflected on what we look like and how we feel in our own skin. So wear that cute dress even if you were saving it for a special occasion, you never know who might turn their head..

7. Check list
Here we go again with my lists. But lets be honest lists are fab. Before you run out the door make sure you have checked your check list to ensure you have everything you need for that day. Nothing puts you in a worse mood than when you've just realised you've forgotten something and its too late to go back to the house to retrieve it. 

8. Tidy as you go
You know yourself there is nothing worse than coming in from a 9-6 shift to a messy room that you left behind that morning, so make sure you tidy as you go, that way you can relax after that long shift. I also suggest putting a scented candle on in the morning as you get ready, always remember to blow it out - you could write it on your checklist! - then when you come home your room will smell lovely!

9. Smile
Before you leave the house, practice smiling. Sounds mad, but smiling can enhance our mood. By practising smiling you not only will feel a lot better about yourself but will be more approachable to other people, a smile is inviting.

10. This is your day - take charge!
Only you can determine how you feel and how your day is going to turn out. Take the bull by the horns and make this the beginning of the rest of your life. Today is your day.

1 comment:

  1. Great post!♥️��������⭐️����


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